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Les Intégrales

8 retrospective evenings

From 9 May to 19 August 2024

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Découvrez ou revivez l’émotion des expositions antérieures ! Un parcours temporel exceptionnel qui vous conduira de l’univers spirituel et fantastique d’un Jérôme Bosch en passant par les représentations surréalistes d’un Arcimboldo jusqu’au monde onirique de Dalí sans oublier l’expression artistique de l’abstraction révélée par Kandinsky.

Discover or relive the emotion of previous exhibitions! An exceptional journey through time, taking you from the spiritual and fantastic world of Jérôme Bosch, through the surrealist representations of Arcimboldo, to the dreamlike world of Dalí, not forgetting the artistic expression of abstraction revealed by Kandinsky.

A unique selection to plunge you into an offbeat universe!

Bosch, Brueghel, Arcimboldo. The Fantastic and Wonderful World: This new exhibition invites you to explore the unbridled imagination of the animated paintings of Bosch, Brueghel and Arcimboldo. From Hieronymus Bosch’s most emblematic triptychs to Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s remarkable compositions of flowers and fruit, and the village festivities depicted by the Bruegel dynasty, the Carrières de Lumières embraces the fascinating worlds of the great masters who represented these animated scenes of life and the duality of a world shifting between good and evil.

Vassily Kandinsky. The Odyssey of Abstraction: A painter, poet, art theorist, and founder of abstract art, Kandinsky revolutionised the history of art with his many compositions, which are now exhibited around the world. Immersed in a chromatic explosion, you will discover the most significant works of this modernist impetus—Composition VIII (1923) and Yellow-Red-Blue (1925)—up to the biomorphic works of his last years.

Dalí. The endless enigma: Paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, engravings, films, and archive images highlight the unique personality of the painter with the famous moustache, as well as his obsessions with the strange and the supernatural, and his fascination for Gala, his muse and wife.

Opening times

May 9, 10 and 19
June 8, 15 and 22
July 22
August 19

 ⌛ Duration: 2h with interval
🕚 Beginning of the show: 8.30pm

May and June: doors open at 7pm for those taking the meal option or diner at the café (fast food).
July and August: Doors open at 7:30pm for those taking the meal option or diner at the café (fast food).


Single price: €27
Free for children under 7
Intégrales + "Panier repas": €51 (online booking)